最高峰の適当ブログ -のんびり日記-



2020年 振り返り

こんにちは! 今年もあと僅かということで、 2020年の振り返りをしていきたいと思います! =1月= ・サイクリング 川崎大師~羽田空港 ・iPod touch購入 ・サイクリング 根府川~廃トンネル ・109シネマズ会員入会 ・C言語勉強開始 1月3日に川崎大師までサイ…

神奈川県内 全市区町村 自転車で役所役場巡り その9

こんばんは! 先日は戸塚区・保土ヶ谷区のみ行ってきました。 いろいろ他のことをしてたらあっという間に13時過ぎになってしまったので、遠出はできないと思ったので…… 遊行寺坂を駆け上り少しすると、戸塚区に入ります。 この先は国道一号線を通るのですが…

Cycling trip in Tokyo Day1

I started my short cycling trip by bicycle in Tokyo yesterday. Tokyo is over 60km far from my home, so I can't go and back in a day. So, I decided to stay in the other hostel which the same company has. I went to my workplace by bicycle, w…

2019年 飲んだ飲み物を振り返る

2019年最後の記事は、 2019年、飲んだ飲み物を振り返ります! 定番のものより、期間限定の味が好きな自分ですが、今年もいろんな飲み物を飲みました。 こちらが今年飲んだ飲み物たち↓ ・カルピスの乳酸菌 スパークリング ・三ツ矢レモネード ・天然水スパークリ…

Joined party of my company

I joined a party of my company today. I are lots of foods and drink free. And my boss gave each of us money I was very satisfied with the party. こんばんは! 今日は僕の働いているホステルの本店があるところで合同忘年会がありました! 場所は…

Korea Trip Day4

Today was the final day of my Korea Trip. I just took a train to go to the airport though. My Korea Trip was so fun!! I could speak Korean language a little bit, but I need much more study to speak fluently. If I have next opportunity to g…

Korea Trip Day3

I went to Suwon City and walk along Suwon Castle. It was like the great Wall in China! I've never been there though... Very beautiful historic buildings and nice views. I bought lots of souvenirs in MyeongDong. こんばんは! 今日はスウォン(…

Korea Trip Day2

I went to Gyeongbogung, Changdeokgung, Changgyeonggung, after that Yonma Land. Autumn leaves in Changgyeonggung were so beautiful. Yonma Land is an abandoned amusement park. こんばんは! 今日は、五大宮のキョンボックンやチャンドックン、チャ…

Korea trip Day1

I started my Korea trip today. After finish my night shift work in a hostel, I handed to Narita airport. This is my first time to visit Korea in spite of that I studied Korean language. When I arrived Korea, I felt them. So cold... The tem…

Cycling and Shopping in Ebina

I went cycling to Ebina City and shopping there today. Ebina is known as a camp place for Russia team in this Rugby World cup. There is a popular shopping centre "Rara port".I bought shoes there. I like it! 今日は、本当はプログラミングスク…

Visited Sarushima

I went to Yokohama and visited Monkey island (Saru Shima) for the first time. They are holding the One Piece event now, so there were character's models. My main purpose wasn't to see them, but see old heritages. こんにちは! 昨日は 横須賀…

料理 今までを振り返る

I put pictures that I cooked in Melbourne, farm job, Brisbane and Perth. I am sure that I could get much better cooking skill day by day. オーストラリアに2年間住んで、一番大きく伸びたスキル。 それは 英語… ではなく、料理← ということで今まで…

In Australia Part155 Ate McRib

From today until the yearend, I write a diary everyday as possible! I ate McRib after finished my work. It was a bit small and too much BBQ sauce so tasted strong… It was first time and will be final time… 今日から年末まで 可能な限り 毎日…