最高峰の適当ブログ -のんびり日記-




こんばんは! 今年もありがとうございました。 オーストラリアで過ごす二年目の年越しとなりました。 今年もサッと一年を振り返ろうと思います♪ 〜 1月 〜年明けズッキーニピッキングファームジョブ終了TFN名前変更手続き初バッパー生活仕事見つける引越しお…

In Australia Part155 Ate McRib

From today until the yearend, I write a diary everyday as possible! I ate McRib after finished my work. It was a bit small and too much BBQ sauce so tasted strong… It was first time and will be final time… 今日から年末まで 可能な限り 毎日…

In Australia Part154 I caught a cold

I got a cold. I have sore throat. It seems like I usually get a cold of throat twice a year. I bought a medicine in a pharmacy. It was what includes "anaesthetic". I didn't know this English word so I learnt on this time. When I started li…