最高峰の適当ブログ -のんびり日記-



2019年 飲んだ飲み物を振り返る

2019年最後の記事は、 2019年、飲んだ飲み物を振り返ります! 定番のものより、期間限定の味が好きな自分ですが、今年もいろんな飲み物を飲みました。 こちらが今年飲んだ飲み物たち↓ ・カルピスの乳酸菌 スパークリング ・三ツ矢レモネード ・天然水スパークリ…


今年もあと僅か。 毎年やってますが、今年も2019年を振り返りたいと思います!! ~ 1月 ~ ・パース生活・関西弁学習 写真はパースの新年の花火。 1月はまだパース生活中でした。 シェアメイトが関西人だったこともあり、関西弁をたくさん教えてもらいました…

Changed my bike's handle wires

I changed my bike's brake wires and shift wires today. Before change, it wasn't cool. That's why I changed it. I put those wires alone handle and wrap them with handle. It looks better. こんばんは! 久しぶりの自転車の記事になります。 STIレ…

Watched Frozen 2

I belatedly watched Frozen 2 today. I often hear the song "Into the unknown" on TV etc, so I got wanna watch it. The first one had lots of happy and catchy songs, but this one had heartful songs. The story was also different. I felt this o…

Went cycling to Sea Paradise

I went cycling to Sea Paradise today. Today was Christmas, but it was just holiday for me. That's why I went cycling. That's all. 今日は、八景島シーパラダイスまでサイクリングしてきました! 世はクリスマスですが、僕には無関係なのであくまでも…

Joined party of my company

I joined a party of my company today. I are lots of foods and drink free. And my boss gave each of us money I was very satisfied with the party. こんばんは! 今日は僕の働いているホステルの本店があるところで合同忘年会がありました! 場所は…

Went to Snoopy museum

I went to Snoopy museum in Minami Machida today. I went there last month, but it hadn't opened yet. It opened last weekend! ... But, sure enough... There were lots of people, so I couldn't have enough time to see exhibitions. And, the area…