最高峰の適当ブログ -のんびり日記-



Galaxy buds pro購入!

お久しぶりです!前回の記事から1年と8ヶ月ほど経ってました。 最近はTwitterで呟くことが多かったのでブログで記事にすることがほとんどありませんでした。 ただ、最近「言語力の低下」を感じることがあります。何事も感想を言おうものなら、「すごい」「面…

2020年 振り返り

こんにちは! 今年もあと僅かということで、 2020年の振り返りをしていきたいと思います! =1月= ・サイクリング 川崎大師~羽田空港 ・iPod touch購入 ・サイクリング 根府川~廃トンネル ・109シネマズ会員入会 ・C言語勉強開始 1月3日に川崎大師までサイ…


こんにちは! 先日、ノートパソコンを注文して届きました! Core i7でメモリ16GBのPCでいろいろなメーカーを比較しましたが、 やはりコスパで、DELLのInspironにしました。 第一印象は箱が小さいこと! 出勤前の朝に届いたので、帰宅後に開封。 中身もシンプ…


先日、Escape R3のパーツ交換をしました! 今回、交換したパーツはこちら↓ ・タイヤ ・チューブ ・リムテープ ・ペダル Escape R3のデフォルトで付いているタイヤはかなり重く、いつか替えようとずっと思ってました…… まずはタイヤ交換の前に、リムテープを…

ブルホーンハンドル ドリル加工

こんにちは! 先日は、ずっとやりたかった ブルホーンハンドルの穴開け加工 をしてみました!! 今までは写真のように、ハンドルの上をケーブルが通るようにしていたのですが、これだとバーテープを巻いた上でも違和感があって、長時間サイクリングしている…

骨伝導イヤホン 「AfterShokz Titanium」 購入

お久しぶりです! 今回は、Amazonで骨伝導イヤホン「AfterShokz Titanium」というイヤホンを購入してみたので少しレビューしてみます。 AfterShokz TREKZ TITANIUM 骨伝導ワイヤレスヘッドホン グレー 36g AS600 専用ポーチ付 メディア: エレクトロニクス こ…

Cycling to Yokohama port symbol tower

I went to cycling to Yokohama port Symbol tower, yesterday. It was my acquaintance's recommendation. When I get to the top of tower, I saw Diamond Princess ship known about Corona virus. I wish the virus vanish as soon as possible, otherwi…

Cycling trip in Tokyo day2 part2

After Odaiba, I went to Disney resort and Kasai seaside park. It was one of my dreams to go to Disney resort by a bicycle, so my dream came true! In spite of that I didn't enter there, I could enjoy such a happy and exciting atmosphere. I …

Bought new iPod touch

I recurved new iPod touch which I bought on Amazon. My previous one was so quick to die charge. I couldn't use while day. I got lots of Amazon points. It's 3600P! So much! こんばんは! 先日、Amazonで注文してたiPod touchが届きました! 左が…

2019年 飲んだ飲み物を振り返る

2019年最後の記事は、 2019年、飲んだ飲み物を振り返ります! 定番のものより、期間限定の味が好きな自分ですが、今年もいろんな飲み物を飲みました。 こちらが今年飲んだ飲み物たち↓ ・カルピスの乳酸菌 スパークリング ・三ツ矢レモネード ・天然水スパークリ…

Changed my bike's handle wires

I changed my bike's brake wires and shift wires today. Before change, it wasn't cool. That's why I changed it. I put those wires alone handle and wrap them with handle. It looks better. こんばんは! 久しぶりの自転車の記事になります。 STIレ…

Korea Trip Day4

Today was the final day of my Korea Trip. I just took a train to go to the airport though. My Korea Trip was so fun!! I could speak Korean language a little bit, but I need much more study to speak fluently. If I have next opportunity to g…

Cycling and Shopping in Ebina

I went cycling to Ebina City and shopping there today. Ebina is known as a camp place for Russia team in this Rugby World cup. There is a popular shopping centre "Rara port".I bought shoes there. I like it! 今日は、本当はプログラミングスク…

I changed my bike's pedals

I changed my bike's pedals today. I bought these pedals last time, but I didn't have a pedal wrench, so I couldn't attach them. I finally got the wrench, so I attached them today. They are a bit heavier than original ones, but they are gri…

Change a front derailleur

I changed a front derailleur of my bike. It's a part to change a gear. I changed to STI lever, but it didn't match with my bikes original front derailleur. So I bought better one. I ran for 1 hour. I felt it was better. こんばんは! 先日、…

Change to my bike handle

I changed my bike handle to Bull horn bar handle. Besides, I changed my brake levers and their wires. It's STI lever, it's for road bike. It's already comfortable in spite of I need to regulate a gear more. I felt get faster. 先週から自転…

My Wish list for bike

I want to buy any parts for bike. I wanna change my bike handle to bull horn type, it coats around 20,000 yen though... 日本に帰ってきてまもなく買ったクロスバイク「Giant Escape R3」。 このクロスバイクは一番オーソドックスな自転車なので、い…

I bought some bike parts

I bought reflective stickers and bar ends on Amazon. It's been rainy lately, so I couldn't ride my bike for long time. I've wanted to ride it. Finally I could ride it today because of sunny. I attached them to my bike and it looks getting …

Change Joystick of Nintendo Switch

My Nintendo Switch's Joystick had been broken since last month. So, I bought new Joystick on Amazon and changed to New one. I have repaired WiiU's screen before, so I'm used to do such a thing. I could repaired it completely!! I hope that …

Bought Airpods

Today, I received Airpods which I ordered a few days ago!! I'd had Earpods before, but it was broken. Especially the code is easy to be broken so I decided to buy Airpods. It's very comfortable! I don't need to mind about a cable. But it's…