最高峰の適当ブログ -のんびり日記-




最近はいろんな趣味があるなーと自分でも思うくらい、趣味が増えました。 それこそ学生の頃は ゲーム しかやってなかったでしたからね……… サイクリング オーストラリアで移動手段がほぼ自転車だったので、 クロスバイク に乗ってたら、ハマって色んなところ…

Change to my bike handle

I changed my bike handle to Bull horn bar handle. Besides, I changed my brake levers and their wires. It's STI lever, it's for road bike. It's already comfortable in spite of I need to regulate a gear more. I felt get faster. 先週から自転…

Cycling to Shonan Daira

I went cycling to Shonan Daira a few days ago. It's one of small mountains near my city. There is a car way from the bottom to the top of the mountain, so lots of cyclists like climbing there by their own bicycles. It was the second time t…