最高峰の適当ブログ -のんびり日記-



使用感、XZ Premiumに変えて一週間経った

こんばんは! 先週、XZ Premiumをゲットしてから一週間経ちました! 前まで使っていたZ5と同じソニーのスマホなので、基本的に使い方は同じですが、良くなったところがたくさんあるので感じたことを書いていきたいと思います(^O^)/ 指紋認証が早い! Z5から…

In Australia Part153 My music player has been dead

My music player "Walkman" has been dead since yesterday. I bought it at January of last year, so I had used it for 1year and 10month. Yesterday, it changed music to the others and also turned volume up or down in spite of I didn't touch it…

In Australia Part152 Bought a smart phone

Today, I got a smart phone which I ordered online! The deliverer came to my house in this morning, but I was sleeping then, so I didn't realise that. But after that, fortunately, he sent to a pharmacy near my house, so I went there and cou…