最高峰の適当ブログ -のんびり日記-



Enoshima exploration

I visited Enoshima island again, yesterday. I finally found a remain there. こんばんは! 昨日は再度 江の島 を訪れて、この前行けなかった更に奥の方へ進んでみました! 今回は稚児ケ淵からではなく、江島神社の奥津宮から進みました。 前回、ここから…

Enoshima Cave

I visited Enoshima cave a few days ago. Enoshima island is one of famous tourist places in my city. But, there also has any remains used for the old war. So, that's why I visited there for this time. I didn't know that in spite of that I u…